The El Reno Public School Foundation, founded in 1988, is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation founded for the purpose of raising and providing support for El Reno Public Schools’ faculty, staff, and students. Monies raised are invested, and distributed through competitive grant and scholarship programs.
Donations to the Foundation are graciously accepted. In addition, the Foundation values the human resource donations (volunteers) to help with all aspects of the Foundation and its mission.
Empowering our community by dismantling barriers and illuminating a clear, accessible path for everyone to achieve their educational aspirations.
We are a foundation with the capacity to help the community by helping schools:
Class of 2021-2022
Kelsey Ballhorn
Debbie Harrison
Randy Hurst
Jana Knott
Class of 2022-2023
Dana Gibson
Lacey Carder-Holden
Class of 2023-2024
Tamara Nelson
Justin Tate
Jason Looper
Gerardo Troncoso
Rachel Sandidge
Raven Bramlett
Curtis Blanc
Craig McVay
Jana Knott
Kelsey Ballhorn, Chairman
Debbie Harrison
Justin Tate
Dana Gibson
Debbie Harrison
Jana Knott
Lacey Carder-Holden, Chairman
Dana Gibson
Jason Looper
Multiple Community Members
Every contribution is divided in half with an equal amount going to the endowment fund and grants and operations. Funds are carefully invested for maximum growth and safety. Through the grants program, more than $300,000 has been awarded to El Reno Public Schools teachers and educational leaders.
Grant Applications (Leslie F. Roblyer Leadership Grant, School Site Foundation Grant, Individual Staff Member Foundation Grant, and Walker High School Grant) are carefully reviewed for need, project objectives, implementation schedule, benefits to students, achievement milestones, and budget.
El Reno Public School Foundation exclusively supports El Reno Public Schools. Endowments ensure perpetual sources of supplemental funding, but does not replace traditional state, local, and federal funding sources, or alter the amount of these sources. Foundation support impacts teachers who impact students, provides direct incentive/recognition of El Reno Public Schools’ teachers at all levels, and grant programs encourage innovative and creative thinking for student learning and achievement.
Many projects funded by the Foundation are actually used as models for other classrooms and/or pilot programs. Teachers who utilize new techniques and strategies often go on to train other teachers at their own site, throughout the district, and beyond. Successful pilot programs spread throughout the district and can possible lead to positive changes in curriculum, instruction, and program offerings.